投稿日:2024-02-15 | 最終更新日:2024-12-24
The English translation is below.

アメリカ・ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキ発「Send It Safely」のご紹介。
Send It Safelyは、自身のアイデアやデザインを他ブランドやアーティストとコラボして形にしていくブランドです。
Nick本人に「Send It Safelyは英語でどうカテゴライズされるの?」と尋ねてみましたが、なかなかしっくりくる言葉がないとのこと。
「あまり真剣に考えないサイクリストたちに向けた、とても真剣なバイクグッズを作るブランド。 自転車業界の中でできるだけ多くのクールなアーティストと仕事をして、できるだけ多くのダートを走ることがSend It Safelyの目標。」

カナダの「Bike Gear Database」でNickがインタビューされた記事から、一部をご紹介します(許可済み)。
ちなみに、このサイトはThe RadavistやBIKEPACKING.comとはまた違った切り口でサイクリングカルチャーを取り上げているので、興味があればぜひ覗いてみてください。
Q:Send It Safelyとは具体的にどんなブランドなの?
A:「みんなが自転車をもっと楽しめるようなアイデアや製品を考えています。サイクリング文化は、特にレースとなるととてもシリアスなもの。最軽量で最新のギアが求められることが多いですが、私はもっと気軽に楽しめるグッズを作りたいんです。結局のところ、It’s just bikes。
ふにゃふにゃのバイクでジャンプしてもいいし、安全にジャンプして明日もまた遊べるようにするのもいい(Send It Safely)。そうすれば、もっと長く自転車を楽しめるよね。」

Send It Safelyの代表的なアイテムのひとつが「TRAIL PURSE」。 アメリカではすでに500個以上販売されています。

Nickが愛用しているのは、地元ニューメキシコの「MONE Bikes」。 バッグは「Farewel」「Farther Bag Co」、タイの「Buffalo Bags」などを愛用。 最近では「THE SPINDLE」とのコラボレーションも多く手がけています。

Send It Safelyの商品はこちら。

Introducing “Send It Safely” – Straight from Albuquerque, New Mexico
Send It Safely is a brand that collaborates with other brands and artists to bring unique ideas and designs to life.
Burrito House is proud to be the only authorized retailer in Japan, working directly with owner Nick.
When I asked Nick, “How would you categorize Send It Safely in English?” he couldn’t quite find the right words.
So, I started by asking him to explain the brand’s concept.
“Send It Safely is a brand that creates serious bike gear for cyclists who don’t take things too seriously.
The goal is to work with as many cool artists as possible within the bike industry and hit as much dirt as possible along the way.”
Nick doesn’t create products himself. Instead, he collaborates with various artists, transforming their designs into bottles, stickers, grips, and more, capturing the essence of Send It Safely.
Nick was interviewed by Canada’s Bike Gear Database, and with permission, I’d like to share a snippet.
By the way, Bike Gear Database offers a fresh take on cycling culture, distinct from The Radavist or BIKEPACKING.com. If you’re curious, it’s definitely worth a read.
Q: What exactly is Send It Safely?
A: “I’m always thinking about ways to create ideas and products that make cycling more fun for everyone.
Cycling culture is often super serious, especially when it comes to racing – it’s all about the lightest and latest gear.
But I want to create products that bring a lighter mood to cycling. It’s just bikes. You can jump on a goofy bike or take a safer route and still have fun tomorrow (Send It Safely). Either way, you can enjoy cycling for longer.”
One of Send It Safely’s most iconic items is the “TRAIL PURSE” – over 500 units have already been sold in the U.S.
Nick’s personal favorites include bikes from MONE Bikes in his hometown of New Mexico.
For bags, he’s a fan of Farewel, Farther Bag Co, and Buffalo Bags from Thailand.
Recently, he’s been working on several collaborations with THE SPINDLE.
These brands perfectly complement the desert landscapes of New Mexico.
Nick and his crew are out on their bikes almost every day, blending fun and product development.
The playful spirit infused into Nick’s products is something we proudly carry at Burrito House.
Their collaborations with familiar brands in Japan always spark excitement, and I personally find myself eagerly following their Instagram updates.
Finally, Nick left a message for cyclists in Japan:
“Don’t rush – ride happy.
Stay safe out there and make sure you can ride with your friends again tomorrow!”
At Burrito House, the shop for unique bike bags and reflectors, we’re proud to recommend Send It Safely.